Re: CP digest 47

Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Wed, 20 Jul 1994 16:50:28 -0700

BAMR writes:
>>Actually, I was thinking that it has been several months since Ron Gagliardo
>>distributed a lot of _Heliamphora_ species and hybrids. I was wondering if
>>people might check in regarding what they've tried, and what they've lost or
>>been successful with? I have my minor, heterodoxa*nutans, and minor*heterodoxa
>>in a 50/50 peat/perlite mix and they are doing well. Very clumpy, they
>>don't seem to be forming a single rosette but rather a mass of pitchers.
>>Is this because of the tissue culture origin of the specimen?

Mine continue to live in the live spaghnum they were shipped in.
The hybrids are doing best, one having put up a pile of new
pitchers in the time I've had it and the average pitcher is now
about 3" tall. The species grow more than half as slow as the
hybrids, and H. heterodoxa has yet to produce a pitcher showing
the classical form. I believe that I've noticed that the plants
prefer to have damp moss around their growth points rather than
having the points sticking up in the air.

The clumpy growth is indeed the result of tissue culture. Each of
my plants has at least two growth points.

>>Topic No. 2
>>Date: Wed, 20 Jul 94 11:41:48 -0700
>>From: Steven Klitzing <>
>>Subject: Re: comets, soccer, and CP
>>Message-ID: <>
>>I've been watching the news reports and photos of the cometary
>>fragment impacts on Jupiter. I have an astounding CP theory
>>to present to the group.
>>Jupiter is one enormous carnivorous plant!
>>Notice, the fragments hit the planet, but they didn't come out.

That's because they're coming out the other side where
we can't see :-).
