Re: Neps and scale insects...

Steve Clancy (
Sun, 19 Feb 1995 17:02:27 -0800

> I've had great success w/ Safers insecticidal soap against aphids,
> thrips, mealy bugs and scale. I buy the weaker concentration they
> sell for use on fruits and vegetables. This stuff is not only much
> safer for the grower, but

Yes, I've also had good luck with plain old Ivory dishwashing soap in
water (dishwashing NOT dishwasher!!!).

I used to use the white soap, but now it comes clear. I use a few
drops (5-6) in water in a hand pump sprayer (distilled water for CP's, natch).
I have found it to be very effective against aphids (on Roses, cactus and
other succulents), and on my CP's for spider mites. I recently had a very
bad infection of mites (as far as I could tell) on a beautiful specimen of
Drosera adelae (wide leaves, red flowers). Almost every leaf appeared to
have the characteristic silvery cast and browning that I associate with
spider mites. I cut back most of the worst leaves and sprayed the plant
top and bottom with the soap solution. Within a few weeks, the infection
seemed to be gone and I had lot of new growth.

I have rarely found the soap spray to be damaging to plants except those
that are just sprouting, or if the soap to water ratio is too high (too
much soap).

I have only ever used Ivory soap. I have no idea if other brands would
work :-). I got this from an article I read years ago in a gardening
magazine. They recommended only Ivory soap.

-- Steve

Steve Clancy, Science Library, University of California, Irvine, U.S.A.
"If you are going to kill me, then do so. Otherwise I have considerable
work to do." -- Lennier, B5