I have virtually no algae in that tray despite strong lightning and
a rather high temperature. I suppose this is due to the following
1. The water lenses take nutrients out of the water and block some
light. (BTW: I got to know about a German expression which somehow
relates to "duckweed": Entenschnatter. Ergo: The naming follows the
principle in Finland, Germany, and England/America, like Blumenkohl,
Sonnenblume and Butterblume (Taraxum off.?).
2. The water is constantly aerated which causes a high oxygen level
and thus algae-eating microorganisms can keep up with the algae growth.
3. The pH-level is supposedly low.
-- Michael Hasemann | Technical Research Centre of Finland - Automation | Kaitovayla 1, P.O. Box 13023, 90571 Oulu, Finland | Fax: +358 81 5512320 Tel: +358 81 5512239 jmh@tko.vtt.fi <-email-------------www-> http://www.kau.vtt.fi/~jmh/