>> BTW, does anybody have experience with sowing South African
>> (of course not common ones as D.capensi, aliciae and so on),
>> D.cistiflora, pauciflora, acaulis, glabripes & hilaris?
>> Thanks.
>I once grew some and found them to be similar as tuberous
>Australian ones regarding their cultivation.
I have been growing D. cistiflora for the last couple of years
(and hopefully will continue to do so :) ) and found Andreas'
advice to be correct. I actually let mine dry out totally in the
summer time but at the same time keep the pots cool by placing
them under a bench in the greenhouse. I did have a D. hilaris but
I obtained that as a plant and couldn't adapt it to my conditions
(also I think I violated its dormancy period).
If you are growing them from seed, leave the seed in the pots for
at least two years. It took 2 years for my D. cistiflora to