Re: Nepthenes seed

Andreas Wistuba (A.Wistuba@DKFZ-Heidelberg.DE)
Fri, 19 May 1995 10:37:37 GMT+1

> For those who have done this long do I continue to grow the
> seedlings in the pure peat before I move them to some other media? And
> what should that be? The oldest ones are showing definition between
> the "leaves" and "pitchers" that they're producing and the total leaf
> length is about 3/8 inch for the newest growth.

Usually while peat is fine for germination, seedlings grow quite slow
in pure peat. I would repot the seedlimngs in a more open mix after
they've produced their first few real leaves. I use a mix consisting
of a special type of burned clay beads (3-4mm in diameter), peat and
styrofoam beads (4-5mm in diameter) 1:1:1. The same mix is fine for
young Heliamphora plants. Adult plants of both genera do better in
an open Orchid mix.



Andreas Wistuba; Mudauer Ring 227; 68259 Mannheim; Germany
Phone: +49-621-705471; Fax: +49-621-711307