Re: B.liniflora

Andreas Wistuba (A.Wistuba@DKFZ-Heidelberg.DE)
Fri, 19 May 1995 10:45:03 GMT+1

> I pollinated mine using a clean paint brush. I tried a couple of times
> as it didn't seem to "take" the first time, e.g. the flower didn't close!

Byblis liniflora needs vibration of the anthers to release pollen in
good quantities. This is an adaptation to most insects coming to the
flowers do not completely shut off their "engines". You can imitate
this with good success by using a pair of metal forceps, gripping it
at the very end of the handle and trying to use it like the tool for
tuning guitars by hitting on a solid surface. If you touch an anther
with this forceps while still vibrating and producing a tone a burst
of pollen is set free. More easy but as effective is the use of an
electric toothbrush (Not the actual brush itself but a part of the
surface vibrating - no joke, it works!).



Andreas Wistuba; Mudauer Ring 227; 68259 Mannheim; Germany
Phone: +49-621-705471; Fax: +49-621-711307