I have heard that the depression in the Carolinas where VFT grow is a crater
formed by a Foreign Body that impacted the Earth. (1)
I have also heard that strange rock fragments found on the Earth have
been identified as originating from the moon. They say these got here
when a Foreign Body impacted with the moon, sending away impact fragments
which fell apon the Earth. (2)
This leads me to suspect that VFT have a Alien Origin. VFT probably
originated on an Evil and Hostile planet. They traveled to Earth on
Space Flotsam (3) left when Evil World was destroyed by the Great Race of
Space Megatheria (4)
These facts may be subject to dispute. Do we have an astronomer in the
house? :-)
Literature Cited
1) The X-Files, May 3, 1994 2) In Search Of... June 20, 1986 3) Arthur
C. Clarke's Mysterious World, September 19, 1994 4) BBC broadcast of "So
Long and Thanks for All the Fish" (I admit there
was a lot of static that night).
Michael Chamberland