Is this the famous artificial lake with the floating central boggy vegetative
mat? If so, I believe all the Sarracenia purpurea in that particular location
are introduced.
Michael Chamberland and Steve write...
>I have heard that the depression in the Carolinas where VFT grow is a crater
>I have also heard that strange rock fragments found on the Earth have
>These facts may be subject to dispute. Do we have an astronomer in the
>house? :-)
>So where did all the other CPs come from? There is a theory that this
>solar system is terrorized by a rogue star named "Nemesis" that rips
>through our system every 12 million years...causing mass extinctions.
>It is possible that planets revolving around Nemesis break up and
>chunks of them fall to the earth when this happens. This explains
>Nepenthes, Cephalotus, Heliamphora, VFTs, Droseras, Sarracenia, and
>Darlingtonia all inhabiting different regions of the earth...simply
>because that's where the planetary debris came down. Okay,
So, as resident astronomer I chuckle. I've argued against many parts of
Steve's humorous scenario in the past, so won't repeat those. But I do
note that in Steve's newest picture the plants came from Nemesis, which
is a theoretical brown dwarf star. Of course, such a star would emit
all its radiation in the infrared (and not visible), so Steve you'll
have to explain how plants which adapted to life on the surface of a
pitch-black planet suddenly developed chlorophyll and all the associated
pigments, presumably in only a few generations. You have your job cut
out for you!