California Carnivores in Healdsburg, west of highway 101.
It's located next to a winery and has an ubelievably wonderful
selection of CPs. A marvelous selection of sarracenia, some at
least 3 feet tall. A humidty grow tent that has large and
rare nepenthes with pitchers as wide as a softball. A good
selection of VFTs, and sundews as well.
The Golden Gate Arboretum and Conservatory in S.F., a Victorian glass
house in Golden Gate Park. It contains dozens of huge hanging
nepenthes plants of many, many different varieties.
The U.C. Berkeley Botanical Gardens, in the hills in back of
U.C. Berkeley. One greenhouse is devoted to carnivorous plants
with many hanging Nepenthes, and a huge glass humdity box
containing nepenthes, cephalotus, sarracenia, drosera, heliamphora,
and utricularia.