Seeking Hardy Venus Flytrap Seeds or Plants

Fred Lenherr (
Mon, 17 Jul 1995 09:41:07 -0400

I live in central Massachusetts, Zone 5 (min. temp
10 - 20 below F.)

I'm interested in trying to breed plants hardy enough
to survive our winters (unless someone already has such

I guess those of you with plants should have mature
seed about now. If you could spare some seed from plants
known to be hardy (survived north of N. Carolina), I
would be grateful. Of course, seedlings and/or plants
would be even better.

I am currently propagating VF's by cutting, seed, and
tissue culture. I have made 4 small outdoor bogs, and
would place the seedling there, with some protection
for the first few years.

If you can help, please contact me at


Fred K. Lenherr