introduction/D. peltata

Eric J Worden (
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 18:14:38 -0800 (PST)


I'm Eric Worden. I am, foremost, a lover of biology, but have a
new and special love for CP's. Like many of you it seems, my first was a
VFT from a department store (Sears) as a young adolescent. Of course it
died and I felt pretty inadequate. All the cultural information I had
was on a tiny card that came with it--they never mention dormancy. I
have just a few plants now:

D. aliciae
D. adelae
D. capensis
D. intermedia X ??
A Drosera given to me as D. lovelliae????
U. sandersoni
unidentified, *minute*, Utricularia that came as a castaway with some others

I'm not in a good situation to care for a more elaborate collection. I
am a student at the University of Washington, working on a Master's in
Teaching. I will teach biology in jr. or sr. high school and am looking
forward to bringing CP's into my class.

I would like to get a D. peltata. I've read these are relatively
easy to care for, and they look very nice in the drawing. I live in
Seattle, where we have very mild summers, and I was thinking it would do
quite well here. Comments/help??? Does someone have a tuber ready to
break dormancy by spring they are willing to sell/trade(!)

I'm glad to have found you!