As do most other plants pollinated by insects. Of course, you also have
plants pollinated by insects that take advantage of an insect's sex
drive with no food payoff for the pollen courier given or implied. Then
there are the animals (such as spiders and fly larvae) that take
advantage of carnivorous plant traps in order to get animal food, not to
mention the ones that actually feed on the plants themselves, the more
you study plant/animal relationships the more fascinating they become.
We live in a very interesting world.
>Disclaimer - only attempt the above lighting modifications if you
>consider yourself electrically competent. If you crosswire the
>lamps and fuse your house (or worse,) I won't be held responsible.
> But it works for me.
There goes my lawsuit...:-) Thanks Peter and everyone else who was kind
enough to give me tips on my question, unfortunately my construction skills
are pretty poor so I don't know about building my own system. If finding a
bargain pre-fab one falls through as many of you suggest it will I'll most
likely turn to a competent local source for building a homemade one. Wiring
and mounting light fixtures aren't my strong suits I'm afraid. Excuse me
while I hide my head in shame...:-)