Chris (
Sun, 25 Feb 1996 15:22:51 -0500
>Anyone having trouble with slugs lately. I have found a number hiding
>inside the pitchers of S. rubra. They eat from the inside so
>considerable damage is done before you see them and there is little
>evidence (little of no slime trails) to alert you to their presence.
>They also seem to have a taste for
>emerging inflorescence which really annoys me.
The best and cheapest way to help rid yourself of slugs is Beer. Slugs
LOVE a good beer part, and will drown themselves with little or no work
on your part.
pour a little beer inside a small cup or relativly deep lid and partially
bury it in the soil. In the morning, dispose of the dead slugs.
Completely safe, non-toxic and biodegradable.