Re: Cultivation Restrictions

dave evans (T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU)
Fri, 08 Mar 96 20:06 EST

> From: "Demetrio Lamzaki" <Dee_Lamzaki@MSN.COM>
> CS>We should not be growing CPs on a windowsill or in a CS>greenhouse
> that needs lots of supplementary management CS>to maintain the
> collection.
> Carl, if we followed that advice 95% of CP growers would have to give
> up their collections. Even plants suitable for the outdoors in
> California need a lot of attention due to our rainless summers. Why
> do you think CP growers are so reluctant about taking long vacations?
> :-)

Well I must say that you are both right on this issue. I try to
keep the culture and care of my plants care free as possible.
This is possible for Sarracenia, VFT, many Drosera, temperate
Pinguicula and a couple other I'm forgetting. I can leave these
plants for about a month and not worry about their water. Of
course, during the spring I must be there every day while the
flowers are open.

Nepenthes and Heliamphora are a different story. These plants
are grown, for the most part, in very loose, airy soil. It
dries out fast and unless you have a VERY reliable watering
system, you would want to check them often. Of course you could
wrap them up air tight for maybe a week or two but the plants
will get too hot and have no ventilation. This shouldn't kill
them but... Mexican pings are just about the easiest CP to grow
but I'm growing a couple as air plants so they could dry up too.

Dave Evans