Assistance needed for VFTs

Brian Heikkil=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E4 (
Mon, 18 Mar 1996 20:00:41 +0000

Hello. My name is Brian Heikkila and I've been lurking here for a about
a week and a half now since I bought my first 2 CPs (the usual VFTs).
:) I am a "super-senior" (5 year) graphic design major at the University
of Minnesota at Duluth and will be graduating with a Bachelor of Fine
Art degree in May.

I can feel the anticipation of growing cps, but unfortunately, mine
don't seem to like me very much. :( I am growing them inside, where it
is about 75 degrees F, 40% humidity, and they get about 6-7 hours of
direct sunlight when it's not snowing. I just bought a small sun-light
bulb a few days ago and have been giving them about three-4 hours extra
fake-light. They are being grown in 100% peat moss and have usually
between .75 an 1 inch of water in the tray.

The problem is that the moss in one is turning yellow and brown and the
leaves in the other are turning light and a little yellow.

The only thing I am planning on doing to help them now is to get them
repotted in larger pots, as they came in 2 inch pots. Can anyone give
me any suggestions? Do I have to feed them something (other than light)
or will the go without well until a fly comes in (which they haven't
hatched here yet)?


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