Mail Glitches

Demetrio Lamzaki (
Wed, 3 Apr 96 17:16:03 UT

Hello Everyone,

I recently sent a couple of letters to the list, but I never saw them in my
mail packet, so I guess you didn't receive them either. The last one I sent
seems to have made it, so I'm going to repost the other two, even though
they're a little late (I sent them on 4/1/96) I hope you will find them
informative nonetheless...

Sent: Monday, April 01, 1996 3:09 PM

RW>Just for kicks, here's the latest breakdown on the CP
RW>listserv subscribers:

What, nobody from Russia is on this list? No wonder it's been so hard
to find someone who can send me seeds of the newly discovered Giant
Blue-leaved Butterwort, Pinguicula romanovi, with a diameter of 50cm it
is quite an impressive plant. Anyone up for a fieldtrip to Siberia?

Do svidanya,

Dimitri Dimitrievich

Sent: Monday, April 01, 1996 3:11 PM

Many of you have emailed me regarding my collection of Ivory Coast
Plants so I thought I'd also post information to the list in case anyone
else is interested. I'm a member of the IICPS, the International Ivory
Coast Plant Society, we publish a booklet four times a year called the
Ivory Coast Plant Newsletter, better known as the ICPN. Our current
president is Nick Runner.

I'm also a member of a local society, the BAICPS (Bay Area Ivory Coast
Plant Society), we have meetings every three months with locations
alternating between the Jefferson Davis school in Alameda and the
Richard M. Nixon Memorial Greenhouse in the U.C. Berkeley Botanical
Gardens. I'm only aware of one other club in the U.S. that meets
regularly, it's located in the Tampa Bay area, their publication is
called "Tusks". Hope this helps.

