Re: literature

Eric Kamakea (
Thu, 16 May 1996 20:22:39 -0700 (PDT)

Help! Does anyone know where I can find some good research
writings that have been done on CP?
I need to make a presentation in my chemistry class and wanted to
do something along the lines of digestion mechanisms of CP. I thought
that it might prove interesting to show a bunch of chem students the
reactions that take plce in the plants assimilation of nitrogen via
its prey.
I've had some difficulty with this so considered the action
potentials that change cell size in Dionea traps thereby closing them on
their prey. But this is the extent of my findings in this area as well.
I got excited when I found some work done on reaction rates of
digesting protien but to my horror it was written in GERMAN!
If any of you have written anything that involves chemistry or
know of some writings that do I would GGRRREATLY appreciate your referral.
Thanks and good growing to all,
Eric Kamakea