Re: new member and questions

Clarke Brunt (
Wed, 15 May 1996 20:09:02 +0100

On 13 May 96 at 4:14, Barbara Ling wrote:

> pitcher plant - leuchyphylla (sp) (these are both rhizomes)

Correct sp. is leucophylla (leuco = white, phylla = leaves), which is
a very appropriate name.

> my question - i'm assuming that i can plant all these CPs in
> one terrarium (i'll be using the 2x2' greenhouse with grow lights
> and a timer) - be this correct? i vaguely remember having problems
> with the drosera binata (is it really a weed in australia?) 'way
> back when, but don't remember the details.

Whether this lot needs a terrarium depends on what conditions you
have (greenhouse, outside, windowsill, or whatever). They are all
pretty tough and probably don't appreciate being mollycoddled (is
that a proper word?) too much. I'd just stand them in an open water
tray in natural light if you have enough of it.

Drosera binata shouldn't be a problem. It dies down in Winter, and
will stand temperatures around freezing. I can well imagine it being
a weed - when I once left a plant in the same pot for a few years, it
needed considerable effort to pull apart the resulting mass of
rhizomes for planting separately.

Clarke Brunt (