More CPs v Slugs

Nigel Hurneyman (
Tue, 21 May 1996 14:26:39 +-100

1) VFT v Slugs

One of the biggest disappointments about VFTs is that when a trap
re-opens, the dead fly/earwig/spider/wasp/beetle is still recognisable.
However, if you feed small slugs to healthy traps, when they re-open
it looks like a piece of paper inside. Don't feed larger slugs to
less than optimum traps, as the slugs will eat their way out.

2) Hardy Pings v Slugs.

Away win - slugs seem to like munching on a nice succulent Ping
leaf and the Pings seem unable to return the compliment.

3) Hardy Droseras v Slugs

Draw - the slugs escape from the Droseras but don't seem to like
eating them, especially when the alternative is a nice juicy Ping

Good Growing, NigelH