Re: Heliamphora cultivation

dave evans (T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU)
Thu, 23 May 96 23:22 EDT

> From: Chris Marsden <100620.2156@COMPUSERVE.COM>
> I have a frost-free greenhouse (min. 40ish) which is lightly
> shaded
> during the sunniest spells. I wish to cultivate Heliamphora species.
> Can anyone tell me whether I should stand the plants in a water tray
> along with my Sarras, or put it in a propagator in high humidity?
> Also, my form of heating is a Parrafin burner. Is this harmful to
> Helies? I also have a shaded highland Nep terrarium with night mins
> of 50/55. Would the plants be better off in this? I am only starting
> to cultivate these plants and I want to succeed!! I realise the
> plants like to be sprayed, I can do this a couple of times per day.

Don't know about the parrafin... They don't "need" high humidity
as much as Nepenthes do but it wouldn't hurt. I've been growing
mine (two hybrids so I don't know how much this will help) in
normal humidity = whatever it is in my house. They seen to be
less brittle and much less prone to fungus this way. I have them
in tall pots with a mix which is basically Nepenthes mix:perlite
in 1:1. My Nepenthes mix is (2/3 peatmoss, 1/3 perlite or styro-
foam, 1/3 diatoms):(orchid mix or pine bark) in 1:1. The pots are
sitting in water. The "trick" to them is the roots must be wet
but they must also have good air flow to them also. I wonder if
sand:perlite:peat in 2:2:1 would also be a good mix?

Dave Evans

P.S. I doubt you could give these plants too much light, pour on
the sun.