> Anyone know how old the Darlingtona must be before flowering? This is
> the first full season that I have had the plant. It was purchased
> last spring and had pitchers about 5" tall. This spring the first two
> pitchers shot upto about 7-8" tall, and the rest of the pitchers are
> about 2-3". Any one know why?
Your plant sounds just about large enough to flower - the flowers
develop almost before the leaves in Spring, so you'll probably have
to wait until next year now. This Spring I got a single flower on one
with pitchers only 4 inches tall, though the first new pitchers which
grew after the flower were larger than this.
They do tend to grow new pitchers each year which are quite a bit
bigger than the previous year's ones. I don't know why you also got
some small ones - are they on the same 'shoot' which got the large
ones, or are they perhaps on smaller 'offsets'?
-- Clarke Brunt (clarke@brunt.demon.co.uk)