I discovered California Carnivores by accident two years ago and
purchased one each of S. purpurea, S. psittacinea, S. flava,
D. binata var dichotoma, and D. capensis all of which have been
doing very well in an outdoor bog in Mountain View, California.
Actually, the S. Flava seems to have recently developed a fungus
which had spread to the flower buds of the sundews :-( I've
sprayed with a commercial fungicide, but I'm afraid it's too late
for seed this year. Last year, both sundews produced abundent seed
and the bog is littered with tiny sundews.
A few weeks ago I drove back up to CC and purchased a couple of
Darlingtonia, D. Spatulata, S. Leucophylla, and a D. Aliciae. They
seem to be settling in nicely in their own bowl. Both new sundews
have flower buds and I hope to grow more of them from seed as well
The new bog is seperated from the old one by several ft., but
I'm wondering if I should use the fungicide on the new CP
I'll be at the CP sale at the Palo Alto Junior Museum next month
and perhaps I'll see some of you there!