Re: Nepenthes Leaf Coloring
Chris Teichreb (teichrch@Meena.CC.URegina.CA)
Sun, 30 Jun 1996 09:40:13 -0600 (CST)
Hi Ken,
> Now this is odd. I thought that Nepenthes was a sun-loving plant. The
> way this sounds it really needs quite a bit shade. Any other comments
> from anyone about this particular species? How much light does it like
> (can anybody actually tell me the amount of light, in lumens, needed for
> it?)?
> Ken C.
I can't tell you the exact amount of light, but N.khasiana tends to
be more of a shade lover than others. All Nepenthes are jungle plants,
so while they do get some sunlight, it's not a heck of a lot. Peter
Cole's homepage has a rough guide on the amount of light you should use
for different CP's. It may help you out more.
The best I can say is to protect the plants from prolonged
exposure to high light levels. Most need some light to pitcher properly,
but too much will fry them! It's really a delicate balance that may take
some time to figure out! Oh well, it's worth it.