Re: Question about Propagation of Drosera alba.

Clarke Brunt (
Sun, 30 Jun 1996 20:53:39 +0100

On 28 Jun 96 at 14:26, JAMES_CONWAY@HP-PaloAlto-om8. wrote:

> I have a number of Drosera alba volunteers coming up from my main
> plant. I would like to have feedback from the group concerning what
> planting mixture will work best for this specie, and if I could simply
> use moistened dried sphagnum moss for a growing media.
> How do I get the small plants out of the big plant's pot without
> hurting either one. The plantlets are still quite small.

Is this 'alba' the one that's a form of D. capensis? If so, then it's
very difficult to harm it whatever you do! Either dig out the small
ones with some root leaving the large one undisturbed, or if they are
bigger, then unpot the whole lot and separate them out as best you
can. Most people use peat, or peat/sand for potting medium, but I
imagine sphagnum would do - the medium isn't doing all that much except
to hold water in contact with the roots.

Clarke Brunt (