> I can't tell you the exact amount of light, but N.khasiana tends to
>be more of a shade lover than others. All Nepenthes are jungle plants,
>so while they do get some sunlight, it's not a heck of a lot. Peter
>Cole's homepage has a rough guide on the amount of light you should use
>for different CP's. It may help you out more.
For me it was the exact opposite. N.khasiana grew and flowered
best under full sunlight. Considering I lived in Brazil, this meant lots
of sunlight year round. When I moved my collection from home to a
greenhouse at my university (where there was less direct sunlight than
at home), the N.khasiana didn't thrive as well. Funny how plants react
differently to different growing conditions, huh?
Fernando Rivadavia
Tokyo, Japan