Silverhill Seeds online

Clarke Brunt (
Mon, 22 Jul 1996 21:44:34 +0100

This is the first time I've managed to post the same message
to CACTI_ETC and CP (carnivorous plants), and to be honest,
the interest to the latter is probably minimal.

Anyway: I just received the July 1996 supplementary seed list from
Silverhill Seeds in South Africa. For the first time, it gives
an email address:

Silverhill have a fascinating seed list of mainly natives of South
Africa and neighbouring countries. The initial attraction to the
CACTI_ETC people is that they stock Welwitschia mirabilis, but they
also have loads of Mesembs and other succulents.

Their carnivorous plant section is fairly small. Last January's full
list has 12 Drosera and 2 Sarracenia only.

There are also Protea, Orchids, bulbs, and a great many things I have
never heard of! I've got two kinds of Protea, several species of
bulb, and (so far) one Welwitschia mirabilis doing well from an
order earlier in the year.

I don't know what they intend doing by email - so far they do not accept
credit cards, but will I think take personal cheques in (at least)
S.A. Rand, U.S. Dollar, and U.K. Pounds. They do different lists
priced in these currencies. At least, people might be able to request
a seed list using email.

Clarke Brunt (