HELP: Re:Re: Help with uricularia with no flowers

Stefano Mosca (
Mon, 29 Jul 1996 22:18:01 +0200

>In your message dated Friday 26, July 1996 you wrote :
>> Hi to all, I have a problem with my utricularia sandersonii. Since
>> last week it lived in the shade at the bottom corner of my balcony,
>> but as the little stems started to develop flowers, these would get
>> burned (they turn brown and dry up). Now it is a week that I keep a
>> plexiglass sheet over the vase in order to increase the humidity, but
>> no flowers seem to manage to grow yet, even though the stems don't
>> seem to burn immedately. For an error that I made at the beginning,
>> I planted it in peat and sand 1:1, but the sand raised the pH of the
>> soil to a value of about 6.5. Anyway the bottom leaves are in good
>> health and are propagating. Any suggestions are appreciated. thanks
>> in advance Stefano Mosca ( "Never express
>> yourself more clearly than your thoughts" - Niels Bohr
>What light levels are you giving the plant? Many Utricularias will not
>tolerate strong sunlight. Also you could try raising the water level
>that the plant is standing in. This will also help your plant to cope
>with high daytime temperatures.
>Hope this helps.
>-- Phil Wilson (
The plant is in half shade and the water level is of about 5 cm, so it's
very high, any other suggestions..... thanks again

Stefano Mosca (
"Never express yourself more clearly than your thoughts" - Niels Bohr