Re: Roridula

Peter Cole (
Fri, 06 Sep 1996 14:39:36 GMT writes:

> "that the leaves of _R.gorgonias_ do not secrete digestive enzymes."
> (Ellis & Midgley, 1996:479!).

About time someone tested it. Shame it worked out negative though :-)

> This is (finally) the decisive statement we all (or at least nearly
> all) have waited for since decades.
> The mutualism mentioned (_Pameridea_ eats _Roridula_ prey; _Roridula_
> feeds on hemipteran excrements) is by no means a "new" one as stated

Are these the same Pameridea that act as pollinators? I hadn't
come across any previous references to their carnivory - do you
know of any? I wonder where Synaema marlothii fits in (agressive
competitor/mutual helper?)

> in the title. Apparently, the paper would not have been accepted if
> the title stressed the really new facts (like: "_Roridula_ is *in
> fact* not carnivorous although Lloyd has stated that it is not
> carnivorous on very weak evidence already in 1942").

Puts me in mind of the "life on mars..." *discovery* (except that in
this case there is at least a basis in fact ;)

Happy growing,


snail:Peter Cole,17 Wimmerfield Cr.
vox:+44 1792 205214 :Tissue Culture Kits for sale