Re: outdoor bog

Carl Mazur (
Tue, 10 Sep 1996 20:16:56 -0400 (EDT)

> A very easy way to do this is to sink a child's wading pool with
> the rim just below the soil surface, and fill it with a peat-sand mix.
> Maintain moisture with a drip hose.
This is by far the easiest method. I have had one of these types of bogs
for about 15 years. I've filled mine with peat/sand. I cut small drain
holes about 5-8cm from the rim. I curve the surface in a concave fashion
so that the lowest part of the surface is about 10cm below the water
level. I then fill that area with live sphagnum. With that setup, you
have a high peat sand area for plants that like it drier, S. minor etc,
some sloping area that are wetter, and then a wet sphagnum bog for purps
psits and other wet loving plants.

Carl J. Mazur
Cherryhill Carnivorous Plants
Grimsby, Ontario Canada