Byblis gigantea germination

Loyd Wix (
18 Nov 1996 14:06:19 Z

Wayne and any other interested people,

if you want to have a go germinating Byblis gigantea check
out Brian Cochran's excellent protocol which is in the CP
FAQ on the net.

Yes you will need Gibberellic acid - the pure form 99%+ pure
which is a white crystalline solid. Concentration is 1g per
litre but you will need a far smaller quantity than that for
your needs. You can get it from most Chemical suppliers e,g
Fisons, Sigma, Aldrich etc. etc. As you are in the US (I
think) perhaps someone more local to you is best placed to
advise you on suppliers.

Brians method works! I have been successful using this
technique on five separate occasions. Only yesterday I
noticed the first germinating seeds from my home grown
B.gigantea Eneabba plants as a result of using the
technique. These are beautiful plants and IMHO deserve to me
more widely cultivated.

Hope this helps.

