Re: conserving cps

Madeleine Groves (
Mon, 18 Nov 1996 16:59:08 +0000

Dear Michael and Toby

Yes, I agree a degree of centralisation is necessary to pull the many
threads of conservation into a voice loud enough to be heard. I'm
just a bit pissed off at the way these centralised agencies turn into
grinding machines pushing paper whilst habitat goes under. I believe
their members should ensure they are kept on their toes.

Cp groups are an obvious medium to pull all these grassrooty people
together although, as you said, too many offshoots lead to a
dissipated effect. I am interested to see what will happen with all
the cp societies in Australia and their efforts to form (or not form)
a federation and whether this would can work in practice (or
not!!). Does anyone have any news on this at all????



Madeleine Groves
IUCN/SSC Carnivorous Plant Specialist Group (CPSG)
c/o Conventions and Policy Section
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Surrey TW9 3AE