Non-Native Species

Demetrio Lamzaki (
Sat, 28 Dec 96 01:50:35 UT

>Fortunately, exotic introduction "successes" like the starlings,
>cheat grass, purple loostrife, salt cedar, and water hyacinth in
>the US. are rare.

Actually it's quite the opposite. You can easily research
a list of over 300 non-native plant and animal species that
have gone wild in Florida alone, not counting the 49 other
states plus territories. My guess is members of this list from
other countries can do the same. Non-native introduced
species have been dramatically successful in the U.S., I'm
not in favor of it mind you, but if they all disappeared
tomorrow most people wouldn't recognize this country, heck
what would our cities be like without pigeons and house
sparrows? I know, I know, much cleaner! :-)

