Re: Non-Native Species

Rand Nicholson (
Sat, 28 Dec 1996 05:08:52 -0400

>>Fortunately, exotic introduction "successes" like the starlings,
>>cheat grass, purple loostrife, salt cedar, and water hyacinth in
>>the US. are rare.
>Actually it's quite the opposite. You can easily research
>a list of over 300 non-native plant and animal species that
>have gone wild in Florida alone, not counting the 49 other
>states plus territories. My guess is members of this list from
>other countries can do the same. Non-native introduced
>species have been dramatically successful in the U.S., I'm
>not in favor of it mind you, but if they all disappeared
>tomorrow most people wouldn't recognize this country, heck
>what would our cities be like without pigeons and house
>sparrows? I know, I know, much cleaner! :-)

Don't forget the ubiquitous _Dandylion_.
