Re: CP's in the tropics ?

Date: Mon Jan 06 1997 - 12:22:01 PST

Date:          Mon, 6 Jan 1997 12:22:01 
Message-Id: <aabcdefg82$foo@default>
Subject:       Re: CP's in the tropics ?

Dear Jorge,

> Currently I live in Costa Rica (about 10 lat), in San Jose which
> is about 1000 m above sea level (~3000 ft for people in the US). I would
> like to know:
> 1-) Is there any CP which's natural habitat is around my country or
> country's characteristics ?

If you mean the tropics with "your country's characteristics", I can
assure you that more than 70% of all known cps grow under these
conditions (less than 30 lat).

In Costa Rica so far only representatives of the genus _Utricularia_
have been found to constitute the carnivorous flora:

_U. amethystina_,
_U. endresii_,
_U. foliosa_,
_U. gibba_,
_U. hydrocarpa_,
_U. jamesoniana_,
_U. praetermissa_,
_U. purpurea_,
_U. pusilla_,
_U. subulata_,
_U. unifolia_.

None is endemic. Some are weeds.

I would guess that there are chances to discover at least one species
of _Drosera_ (e.g. _D. capillaris_) there but I do not know of any

Kind tropical regards from rather temperate Germany (15 cm snow today)

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