Re- Propagating Cephalotus

Date: Tue Feb 18 1997 - 23:44:08 PST

Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 17:14:08 +0930
Message-Id: <aabcdefg640$foo@default>
Subject: Re- Propagating Cephalotus

Hi Steve,

>Having enjoyed the discussions for Nepenthes propagation, I would like to poll the list
>subscribers that have had success in the propagation of cephalotus via cuttings.
>Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.

I simply remove an entire leaf including the petiole and then stick the petiole into a small black
plastic pot of loosely packed sphagnum. I generally place the leaf so that the petiole is
between the side of the pot and the sphagnum (Is this clear?). The pot is then placed in indirect
light, with my Pinguicula, in a tray of water and left. Don't be tempted to check the cuttings too
often and the new roots are very fragile. Any that turn brown should be removed gently so as
not to disturb the other cuttings and to make sure that it really hasn't rooted.

The theroy: The black pot absorbs light and so keeps the cuttings warm and by abutting the
cuttings to the side of the pot they tend not to rot as much.


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