Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 08:54:14 -0500 (EST) From: "Carl Strohmenger (HSC)" <> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg1011$foo@default> Subject: Feeding cp
It is spring in central Florida and the grasshoppers are starting to
become a bother. In years past, I have lost a lot of plant material to
these insect hooligans. Now, however. . .
Last year, I started catching the grasshoppers when they first appear.
Typically, they hatch(?) and crawl up any convenient vertical plant
surface and sit there for a while (maybe drying their bodies/wings?), and
are easy to capture. Then I pop them into a VFT trap or drop them down a
Sarr trap. Sometimes they crawl out of the Sarr traps, but I just bash
them a little bit to stun them and then drop them back in. The CPs love it!!
I have VFTs and several species of Sarracenia that are putting out new
leaves/traps due to the added nutrition.
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