N.alata leaves yellowing

From: Chris Teichreb (teichrch@MEENA.CC.UREGINA.CA)
Date: Mon Apr 07 1997 - 13:30:37 PDT

Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 14:30:37 -0600 (CST)
From: Chris Teichreb <teichrch@MEENA.CC.UREGINA.CA>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1312$foo@default>
Subject: N.alata leaves yellowing

Hi all,

        I noticed that the leaves of my N.alata are turining
slightly yellow along the mid-rib and now along some of the veins.
I gave it a spray with dilute Miracid and even poured some into
the pitcher today, thinking that it may be an iron deficiency.

        If anyone has any other ideas or opinions, I'd appreciate
hearing about them. The plant is in a five inch pot with basically
a 50/50 mixture of orchid bark:perlite. The pot is on an overturned
saucer. I put it in a five gallon pail with a plastic bag over the
top to increase humidity (which is about 95%) as it was not pitchering
before. It has been growing profusely, and the first pitcher it
produced just opened a while ago. I spray the plant every day
with distilled water. It receives about 4-5 hours of direct
sunlight. Temperature is about 25C inside, cooler at night. The
only other problem I could think of is that with that high of a
humidity, and my constant spraying down, is that the roots have
become too wet, although the substrate and set-up I use doesn't
really allow for that. Any help is appreciated. TIA.


Chris Teichreb
Department of Biology
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA


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