Re: Drosera adelae

Date: Fri Apr 18 1997 - 14:57:03 PDT

Date:          Fri, 18 Apr 1997 16:57:03 -0500
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1513$foo@default>
Subject:       Re: Drosera adelae

>From: "Mellard, David" <dam7@ATSDHA1.EM.CDC.GOV>

>5. Avoid setting the pots in water. D. adalae does not like soppy

Don't let my Drosera adelae hear that. I've got a pot full that grows sitting
in 1 cm of water in an aquarium. The medium is 1:1 peat:perlite and it's
pretty darn soggy. Roots grow out of the drainage holes and snake for long
distances in the water. Plantlets sprout from the submerged roots and grow up
above the water surface. Roots also climb over the edge of the pot and dangle
down, sprouting plantlets in mid-air. It's kind of untidy, but it seems happy.

Maybe this is another one of those situations where different clones of a
species prefer different conditions. Or perhaps our growing conditions differ
in some other critical way that we haven't considered.


p.s. Thanks to everyone who answered my questions on Drosera regia culture.
I'll do my best to keep the baby happy.

Nicholas Plummer

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