Convert degrees Fahrenheid to / from Celcius

From: Wim Leys (
Date: Tue May 13 1997 - 10:47:30 PDT

Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 10:47:30 -0700
From: Wim Leys <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1887$foo@default>
Subject: Convert degrees Fahrenheid to / from Celcius


I am putting my first steps om the JavaScript road. Since I always found
it confusing to read about temeratures expressed in degrees Fahrenheid,
I wrote this little HTML-JavaScript-program to do the conversion from
and to degrees Celsius.

You need a browser that supports JavaScript to use it (Netscape 3.0,
Internet Explorer, ...). Copy it from and including <HTML> up to and
including </HTML>, paste it into an empty ASCII-file and give it a name
like F2C.HTML or F2C.HTM, then access it using your browser.

<TITLE>Convert Fahrenheid to/from Celcius</TITLE>

        function DegreesF2C(F, C) {
                C.value = (parseInt(F,10) - 32) / 1.8;

        function DegreesC2F(C, F) {
                F.value = (parseInt(C, 10) * 1.8) + 32;

<H1>Convert &#176; Fahrenheid to and from &#176; Celcius.</H1>
                <TH ALIGN="left">Enter the temperature in &#176;
Fahrenheid : <TD>
                <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="F" SIZE=5><TD>
                &#176; F<TD>
                <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Convert F to C"
ONCLICK="DegreesF2C(this.form.F.value, this.form.F2C)"><TD>
                <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="F2C" SIZE=5><TD>
                &#176; C<TR>

                <TH ALIGN="left">Enter the temperature in &#176; Celcius
: <TD>
                <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="C" SIZE=5><TD>
                &#176; C<TD>
                <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Convert C to F"
ONCLICK="DegreesC2F(this.form.C.value, this.form.C2F)"><TD>
                <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="C2F" SIZE=5><TD>
                &#176; F<TR>

                <TH> <TR>

                <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear"><TD>


Kind regards

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