CP in NJ...

From: Paul V. McCullough (pvmcull@voicenet.com)
Date: Fri May 30 1997 - 14:18:25 PDT

Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 17:18:25 -0400
From: "Paul V. McCullough" <pvmcull@voicenet.com>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg2131$foo@default>
Subject: CP in NJ...

    My wife and I checked in on the "wild" CP we found in NJ a month
ago. (See the pictures on my web page.) All of the s. purpurea flowers
were in full bloom- all were deep reddish-purple. This is the first
time I've seen purpurea's flowers close-up. It's a pretty complicated
affair. (as are all sarracenia flowers...) We took new photos, which
I'll post once we use up the roll.
    The drosera roundifolia were also doing great! The traps on these
plants were broad- some were a half-inch across! All of the traps had
long deep crimson tentacles. I think I see the real difference now
between rotundifolia and capillaris... which means that the drosera I
purchased at Home Depot that I identified as rotundifolia are, in fact
capillaris. The traps on my capillaris are more egg shaped with the
broadest section pointing to center, while the rotundifolia are rounder
with the broadest section is perpendicular to the plant's center. Does
this sound right? My capillaris also seems to stay green, even in
direct sun.
    Some of the wild d. rotundifolia were under water (traps and all)
and growing just fine! I'm sure there are tidal effects at work, but
still it's pretty amazing. This little area has really changed my view
of rotundifolia!
    My plants have adapted quite well to the Klima-gro. The main VFT is
forming new, perfectly healthy looking traps, and the drosera adelae is
continuing to pump flowers into the sky like a champ. The flower shape
and the arrangement looks like fireworks above the plant! The sickly
VFT has also responded to it's new environment with new traps (It hasn't
made a trap in 3 months!) and sudden vigor. The only plant that is
showing a change I'm not sure about is the mutt ping. It's big leaves
alway grew vertically and seemed to protect the plant center, but now
all of the leaves are prostate, and are getting a pinkish hue on the
outer rim. There also seems to be a change in leaf shape- more pointy
then round. I can't say that the plant is dying, it still looks
healthy, it just seems to be evolving different characteristics. I know
this often happens in other CP types, but I always thought pings were
more or less static. Do they form differing trap shapes in different


Ps- I tried some of the methods for getting an idea of the light output
in the Klima-gro; it looks to be anywhere between 500-1000 footcandles
with its two lights. I'll try to get some more conclusive testing done

Paul V. McCullough
"3D Animation World" http://www.voicenet.com/~pvmcull
"CP Page" http://www.voicenet.com/~pvmcull/pics/cp/carniv.htm

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