Date: Tue, 07 Oct 97 19:31 EDT From: dave evans <T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg3894$foo@default> Subject: Re: Terrarium advice please
> From: Andrew Bate <cp@ASTILLA.DEMON.CO.UK>
> Anyway, enough of the background info, my question is: would it be ok
> to break up some live sphagnum moss over the sand to try and start a
> bed of moss growing at the bottom of the terrarium or would this
> increase the chance of disease problems in the tank. Also, would it
> actually start to grow on the sand over the soil warming cable?
The Sphagnum shouldn't be kept sopping wet. It grows over whatever
it can bury. I can't say for sure whether you'll have more chances for
disease though. Some plants, like Nepenthes and Heliamphora, don't
grow so well in Sphagnum, but you're just keeping on the outside of
the pots. Can't see any problems with that.
Dave Evans
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