RE: Heliamphora

Date: Mon Oct 27 1997 - 07:51:58 PST

Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 15:51:58 +0000
Message-Id: <aabcdefg4135$foo@default>
Subject: RE: Heliamphora

Hi Carl,

        Here's a method for cultivating Heliamphora, which of course is not
THE method to do so. I cultivate them in a terrearium winter and
summer, positioned about 1 m from a south-facing window (there are
some plants in between), and are kept at a minimum of 15 =B0C during
winter(nights). Because they are illuminated with cool (sorry folks)
white TL lamps (TRU-LITE type), and also receive some sunlight,
temperature may raise up to 30 =B0C in summer (the ballasts are not
included in the cap!). They receive 7 times a day 1-2 min of fine
misting, as described in an earlier CP-digest.
        In this way the plants produce pitchers with an intensive red teint,
having normal-sized 'helmets'. One H. nutans is flowering now. They
are planted in a mixture of moss peat, Sphagnum moss and coarse
perlite, in clay pots (cool root!). Around the plants, healthy live
Sphagnum moss grows, which is regularly cut short to prevent
overgrowing of the plants). The plants are, apart from misting, also
watered by the tray. The misting, as well as the illumination, seems
to contribute a great deal to their healthy appearance.

Kind regards,

Guy VdK

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