re: Heliamphora rot

From: Sundew Sundew (
Date: Thu Jan 22 1998 - 15:16:42 PST

Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 15:16:42 PST
From: "Sundew Sundew" <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg300$foo@default>
Subject: re: Heliamphora rot

hi there,
your heliamphora rot sounds (and looks) like something that effected my
heterodoxas shortly after i got them way back in the 1980s :)
i believe it was joe mazrimas who suggested i pull them out of their
pots and soak the entire plants, roots and all, for several hours(???)
in a water and fungicide mix. i just got back into CP after several
years so could be wrong but i think the fungicide was benomyl. thats a
fungicide, right? that of course was my only experience using
fungicide, id never had any other problems. just be careful when you
move the plant - make sure you exercise extreme caution so you dont
break any roots or pitchers as theyre VERY fragile.
good luck!
ps. i'm still looking for some small heliamphora species or hybrids.
anyone have any extras??

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