Gunung Mulu/G.Trus Madi

From: Alastair Robinson (
Date: Fri May 29 1998 - 08:38:01 PDT

Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 11:38:01 -0400
From: Alastair Robinson <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1848$foo@default>
Subject: Gunung Mulu/G.Trus Madi

I guess that this is more directed at those individuals that are familiar=

with the mountain, but anyway...

When I go back to Borneo this summer, it is likely that I will make a tri=
to G.Mulu after I am done in Sabah. I understand that there are two rout=
which one can take when there - seeing that I have only a limited amount =
time, I can only afford to do one of these - either a trek to the summit,=

or to the 'Pinnacles'. Of course, I would love to see the latter, but my=

primary reason for visiting is to see the Nepenthes species endemic to th=
region... Therefore, if anyone can help me on this, I would like to know=

whether I will be missing out on any species by heading for the Pinnacles=

as opposed to the summit? And which ones for that matter?

I will also be visiting G. Trus Madi, and while I have no specific
questions on that one, I would very much appreciate any
comments/information that anyone could volunteer me.
Please be in touch at:

Thanks for your time and trouble.

All the best,


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