Re:Raccoons and oppossums again

From: Richard Brown (
Date: Fri May 29 1998 - 18:58:55 PDT

Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 21:58:55 -0400
From: "Richard Brown" <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1863$foo@default>
Subject: Re:Raccoons and oppossums again

Hi Andrew and others,

I posted my response to the raccoon problem last week and can verify that I
have caught at least ten oppossums and, as best my memory serves, about
eight raccoons. I use chicken for bait, in both cases.
I found it necessary to keep the moving parts of the trap well lubricated by
burnishing the galvanized metal area that move against each other with
pencil lead. I took a soft pencil (what I use for name tags on plants-the
best for "fade factor") and scribbled around these moving parts. It becomes
hair trigger sensitive, just what is needed to capture the smaller raccoons
that are ever so deft at removing bait without setting off the trap. The big
raccoons are easy. Also, once you've captured and disposed of your first
raccoon, do not assume it is over. Where there is one raccoon there is a

Wishing I was in Bonn,

Trent Meeks
Pompano Beach, Florida

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