Dormancy and Repotting - a question

From: Kelley, Ian (
Date: Fri Jan 08 1999 - 14:23:08 PST

Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 14:23:08 -0800 
From: "Kelley, Ian" <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg60$foo@default>
Subject: Dormancy and Repotting - a question

A question of general interest:

I live in the temperate San Francisco Bay area, days in the 60's and
nights in the 40's. I move my dormancy-loving plants from the
windowsill to the outside fire escape for winter, generally November to

I am getting ready to repot, both to divide some Sarraceneae (sp?) and
to give some growing room to the others. I am interested on any insight
into timing that folks care to offer - is it best to repot as I'm
bringing them in for spring growing? Should I repot now, giving them
another month of outdoor dormancy to adjust? Any repotting tips or
tricks that folks have to share? It seems like a timely thread.

Thanks in advance for any takers,

- Ian

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