CP for trade

From: Sundew Sundew (sundew@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Feb 02 1999 - 05:50:23 PST

Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 05:50:23 PST
From: "Sundew Sundew" <sundew@hotmail.com>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg301$foo@default>
Subject: CP for trade

Howdy, list.
As always, I've got to make some room. Have some extra stuff, if
anyones interested in trading...

D. paradoxa (large plant)
D. intermedia x capillaris (dormant plants)
D. madagascariensis Rhodesia (small plants)
D. madagascariensis (small plants)
D. burmanii green (small plants)
D. sessilifolia (small plants)
D. sessilifolia x burmanii (small plants)
D. trinervia (seedlings)
D. trinervia (small plants)
D. cistiflora (small plants, not doing much for me :( )
D. sp.Brazil (like a small red capillaris, could be capillaris?)
D. nidiformis (small plants)
D. pygmaea (plants and possibly seed)
D. occidentalis (plants and possibly seed)
D. pulchella
D. callistos
D. pygmy hybrids (common stuff, have to see)
D. intermedia (Gran Sabana - tropical)
D. filiformis f (dormant, small plants)
D. burkeana ?
D. capillaris ?

I'm sure there's more but nothing comes to mind right now. I am only
interested in seed or disease/pest-free plants right now (tissue culture
preferred). Heres a list of some things I need:

D. petiolaris complex (except paradoxa, derbyensis, ordensis and derb x
ord) - falconeri seed would be nice!!! ;)
D.burmanii red
D.indica red
South American Drosera
African Drosera
Small Mexican Pings (elhersae, esseriana, gypsicola, etc)

Dont be shy, email me!

Thanks in advance...
New York, USA

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