orthene and N. gracilis scale

From: Andrew Marshall (andrewm@olywa.net)
Date: Mon Nov 08 1999 - 13:22:52 PST

Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 13:22:52 -0800
From: "Andrew Marshall" <andrewm@olywa.net>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg3752$foo@default>
Subject: orthene and N. gracilis scale

Hi Steve,
    Often it is not the scale that is the problem, but the frquecy, or lack
of proper frequency that determines whther or not an infestation can be
erradicated. Here is a good protocal that works. Yes, using orthene and
cygone as well (cygone is dimethoate). Both I have used repeatedly on most
of my Nepenthes with no ill effects.
    Using the right proportions (read lable0 mix the orthene in with the
oil/soap and spray heavily. Take a cotten swab and remove all insects, then
spray again. Let the plant dry.
    In 7 days, check again and repeat proceedure, but instead of using the
orthene, use dimethoate as a root drench, apply the sopa as before and swab
the plant well.
    In 7 days repeat with the orthene/soap.
    In 7 days, examine the plant. Is there ANY bugs on it? If so, repeat
with the cygone, if not repeat with the soap only.
    In 7 days examine the plant again. Is it still clean? If so, leave it
be. If not repeat with cygone and soap.
    Use a hand lens for examination and stick to the 7 day schedule. You
must get the newly hatched buggers before they lay eggs again. Since most
of these sprays do nothing for eggs, you must follow the hatch schedule.
7-10 days is it, so be prompt and use the 7 day schedule. Timing is
everything, rotation of chemicals is also important so as not to build up a
resistant strain.
    Hope this works for you.
    Best wishes

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