
From: John Orr (j_orr@bellsouth.net)
Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 08:23:03 PST

Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 11:23:03 -0500
From: "John  Orr" <j_orr@bellsouth.net>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg802$foo@default>
Subject: Squirrels

One method which works quite often in my experience is to use red
pepper powder. This in combination witha pepper spray which can
easily be made with habenero peppers put in a blender and let to sit
a couple of days and then strained can be put into a spray bottle
and sprayed on the plants with no effect observed to the plants but
the animals will not come back again. It can also be put into one
of the high powered water guns and sprayed directly on the
offenders. Pepper spray bought as a personal protection device will
also work with no long term physical harm being observed while
having a permanent deterrent effect.

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