Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000 21:35:10 -0400 From: Bryan and Leslie Lorber <> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg1019$foo@default> Subject: CPs and Stamp Collection
I love growing CPs but I also love stamp collecting. Naturally, it makes
sense to bring the two together. I have begun a topical / thematic
collection which I hope to exhibit and ultimately write up for
publication. The problem has been locating suitable material so I'm
hoping that some of you kind people can help me out. Given the
international, not to mention intellectual, connections of this list I
have great hopes.
First, let me tell you what I've found:
>From Canada I located a "gem" that depicts S. purpurea, the provincial
flower of Newfoundland. Not just one stamp, but three different printing
varieties! (won't bore you with technical details of plates and printing
unless you're interested-let me know).
>From the U.S. there is the recent John and William Bartram
commemorative. Although is stamp does not illustrate a CP, William was
one of the first to describe and illustrate CPs in the New World (was he
the first?). In topical stamp collecting any connection to the topic or
theme is acceptable. For example, any number of Charles Darwin
commemoratives would be good considering his famous book "Insectivorous
Now, here's where I need your help. What other people have been
commemorated on stamps who have a CP connection?
I know that other stamps illustrate CPs but have been unable to locate
them for my collection since they are "cheap" stamps and dealers don't
stock them. They are:
Malaysia (1996): 4 stamps illustrating 4 different Nepenthes.
Ireland (1995): 4 stamps commemorating the National Botanic Gardens. One
stamp in the set illustrates S.x morrei.
I need these stamps both in mint condition (not used) and on cover
(postally used on an envelope).
Does anybody know of any others stamps?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Of course, I am very willing to
fairly compensate, with U.S.$, anyone who can get me the right material
in collectable condition
Thanks for your help.
Bryan Lorber
Charlotte, Vermont
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